Now, before your delivery there's a couple things we will need you to do:
First check the opening where the shed is going through to get to the final destination, whether this is between a fence and your house (or another object in your yard). Something to keep in mind is that the total size of our sheds is slightly larger than the size you ordered. Example: you purchased a 12-ft building it will typically come out to 12-ft 6-in. You will need to make sure where the shed needs to through is able to accommodate the size shed you are ordering.
Step 2 Mark the location where you want the shed to go whether this be with some rocks or something else that is easily identifiable to mark the new location of your shed.
Step 3 check the path between where the shed is going and where it has to enter your property and make sure that there's nothing in the way that Will delay install.
Step 4 if you are not installing the shed on The recommended 4in blocks prepare the site for delivery, here is a link to making a stone pad if you would like to do it yourself or another option is a concrete pad we do have recommended pad installers for both concrete or stone pad if needed just reach out for their information.
Step 6 After that's all done get stuff ready to go into your new shed because there's nothing like regaining your house or garage back from all that extra stuff or having a nice spot to work.
Someone will need to be present for delivery and be authorized to sign the RTO delivery certificate or have cash or check on hand for final payment, balance for shed extras due at time of delivery.
Possible additional fees if not already discussed
$5 a block
$200 for in yard moving
$25 per anchor
$100 per hour for driver stand by time
3.5% convenience fee for card
All Delivery's are weather pending.
***We do not remove fences***